Thursday, October 8, 2009

Beautiful Fall

It's that time of year....the days get shorter, the weather gets cooler, and the landscape bursts with beautiful shades of red, gold and brown.

I absolutely love fall. I'd say it's my favorite season of the year, but when the first snow falls, I say winter is my favorite; when the tulips start to peek out of the ground, spring is my favorite; when the pool finally opens and it's sunny until 9:00 p.m., my favorite is summer!

I'm in the mood for listing, as you can see by my last blog. So I'll do it again, it's easier for me to type and doesn't bore y'all too much!

Why I love fall:


-the smell of burning leaves

-pumpkins (picking out, carving)

-the sound of crunching leaves under your feet

-turning on the heat for the first time (I love that musty smell that first comes out)

-putting stuff in the crock pot and smelling the yummy smells when you come home from work or school

-FOOTBALL!!!! (College, pro, high school- I love em all! I have great memories of attending high school football games!)

-caramel apples- yum!


-Halloween and Thanksgiving (I love the food, candy and history involved! I'm a nerd, I know..)

-decorating (My mom is the best fall decorator- the pumpkins, Indian corn, small gourds, neat Halloween stuff)


-the fall TV line-up (FINALLY my shows are on!)

-fall-scented candles

-apples in general
Autumn is such a peaceful and beautiful time. And it's a time for change. I feel a change in the air for my life... the job interview this past Tuesday went very well, so I'm hoping that a change of scenery will be in store for my husband, my doggie and I.
Like I mentioned a few blogs ago, I'm trying to get healthy. Eating-wise, I'm still eating junk, but just not as much! I'm walking about three miles a day, except for the last couple of days since I've been sick. I'm taking vitamins and getting to bed before midnight.
I'm making some changes with my appearance as well. I have never been or ever will be obsessed with appearances. But after dressing up nice for my interview I realized there are some areas I can "tend" to. I need to tweeze those eyebrows! I need to keep my hair brushed and a little bit of make-up isn't a bad thing. And for the love of Pete....I need to wear anything besides sweatpants!
I've been doing pretty good spiritually; I haven't been through a dry spell in awhile. I'm continuing daily reading devotions and praying nightly with my husband. However, I know that spiritual dry spells are always lurking around the corner. I'm trying hard to stay devoted even when it is not easy.
What a beautiful time of change.


Anonymous said...

I loved this post. It was pure poetry. I agree with you completely on what you love about fall. It gave me excitement goosebumps reading about it.

A new fan

Maggie @ From the Heart said...

Why thank you "new fan" although I posted it before I was actually finished! Enjoy!


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