Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another Late Night Rambling

It's 3:31 a.m. and I can't sleep.

It's my own fault really. Tonight I saw Paranormal Activity with my best friend. I knew it dealt with demon-stuff. I can handle ghosts, chainsaw wielding maniacs and aliens, but demons...that's another story. I think after seeing and experiencing the awesome goodness that comes from God that I will stick to happy movies and thrillers. But that's a blog for another day.

However, as I peruse through facebook to distract me from getting freaked out (while trying to sleep my cat came barging through my bedroom door scaring the living poo out of me...) I discovered something.

Today I got to spend time with my mother at her work's Halloween party. Many memorable snap shots were taken and my mom uploaded them to an album on her facebook. I was looking through them and saw a picture of me wearing a silly mask and only my bright green eyes were showing. But then I thought "I didn't take a picture with that mask on. At least I don't remember... Oh look, mom tagged herself instead of me." Then I realized that those sparkling green eyes were not mine- they were my mother's. In true McAdams goof-off fashion she took a picture of herself with a silly mask on.

I discovered that I have my mom's eyes. You know how there are kids who look SO much like their parents that it's just down-right freaky (my brother's children are a prime example)? Well I never have "seen" that with my mom. My dad is on the shorter side, so I probably got my lack of height from him. He also has kind of arched eyebrows which mine kind of resemble. My nose is definitely not from my mom.

But I have her lively, sparkly green eyes.

And that makes me so very happy.

P.S. I'd post the picture on here, but I would then fear the wrath of my mother!

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