Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm Back! (For a few days, anyway)

Oh my.

I. am. tired.

This past weekend, thanks to our wonderful parents, we got the rest of our belongings out of our apartment. I have no idea how we accumulated so much stuff in that tiny apartment, but it seemed the more stuff we hauled away, another corner of random items would appear!

Guess what pregnancy "symptom" has kicked in? NESTING! And nesting while you are unpacking and setting up a home is TOUGH. I have huge bursts of energy to get everything in its place, but when there are boxes and boxes and boxes to unpack, a cockroach problem (which means I vacuumed out and sanitized every single cabinet in the kitchen- beyond DISGUSTING!), and cleaning to do, all while 7 months pregnant- well, let's just say my feet looked like bricks with toes attached and my body ached more than it ever has in this pregnancy. I've worked hard, and so far our kitchen, bathroom and bedroom and completely set up and clean. It's coming together nicely!

Today we went over to our apartment to pick up a few cleaning supplies and recheck to make sure we hadn't left anything behind. When we left I got really sad. Despite my rather annoying neighbors, I loved that apartment. It was our first home as a married couple. Where we spent our first Christmas. It was where we conceived and lost our baby Gus. It was where we found out we are expecting our baby boy. I learned to cook in that apartment and it was where I learned to become a homemaker. So many wonderful memories. I know that "home is where the heart is" and I shouldn't be attached to material things. Soon, when we get this house set up we'll be making new memories!


I had my 30 week doctor's appointment today. I passed my glucose tolerance test and my blood pressure is perfect! He measured my belly and he says that our baby boy is measuring nicely. I told him I was afraid I would have a 12 lb. baby. He then informed me that I would probably have an 8 lb baby! Both Ryan and I were tiny babies, so I was thinking we would conceive a tiny baby as well. I am so naive that I was even thinking that since I'm shorter, that my uterus wouldn't allow for a big baby! (Wishful thinking... I know...) But our baby boy is looking healthy and I am healthy (although I feel like a giant half of the time) so that is wonderful! 10 weeks to go... wow....

Now I have to do the finish touches on plans for our family reunion that takes place this weekend. Soo... I will be taking another bloggy break while I enjoy spending time with family!


Rae said...

I'm glad that things are going well. Make sure to get enough rest!

Catholic Mutt said...

It's so great when it all starts to come together! But it doesn't all need to be done in a day. ;)

Abby said...

I just stumbled on your blog from the Faith and Family site. Thought I'd say that my husband and I were both tiny babies, too (I was 5 lbs 14 oz, he was a twin and born early, and a little over 4 lbs), and our daughter weighed in at a whopping 8 1/2 lbs. Good thing they didn't tell me that in advance, or I'd never have had the courage to try to push her out! But trust your body to accomodate whatever size baby it grows, and you'll do fine :) I'll be praying for you as your due date approaches!

Maggie @ From the Heart said...

Thanks for stopping by, Abby! I've heard a lot of people tell me that when doctor's try to guess the weight of the baby they can be off by a couple of pounds! Oh well! No matter the pain or worries, our little boy will be so worth it!


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