After a crazy couple of days I am finally back home! I'm trying to rest since this weekend took a bit of a toll on my very pregnant body! I want to write about so many topics but my mind is still in vacation mode.
I did come back to a lovely surprise- Michelle from Musings of a Catholic Lady gave me an award! Thank you, Michelle! I found Michelle's blog through NFP Works.
The rules for this blog award are:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you; (see above)
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you;
3. Pass the love to 15 deserving bloggers (gonna have to amend this one...how about 8?);
4. and let them know that you gave them an award.
I did come back to a lovely surprise- Michelle from Musings of a Catholic Lady gave me an award! Thank you, Michelle! I found Michelle's blog through NFP Works.
The rules for this blog award are:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you; (see above)
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you;
3. Pass the love to 15 deserving bloggers (gonna have to amend this one...how about 8?);
4. and let them know that you gave them an award.
7 Things People Might Not Know About Me:
1. I was in a sorority at my first college.
2. My best friend and I started a rumor in high school. We wanted to see how fast a rumor could spread through our small high school. Before second hour we told a few friends that school was getting out early because the pipes had frozen. By 3rd hour the school was all a buzz with excitement that school was getting out early. But 4th hour my friend and I were called to the principal's office. He asked us, "Is there something you know that I don't know?" We confessed our plan and he laughed. He asked us not to do it again. (He loved us!)
3. I played in a soccer league when I was little. I was the only girl and I had a blast!
4. I absolutely HATE butter.
5. I am very gullible. I once told a co-worker this fact about me and he said, "Did you know that the word 'gullible' isn't even in the dictionary?" My eyes bugged out, my jaw dropped and I yelled, "WHAT?!" His response- "Wow. You ARE gullible!"
6. I am a descendant of the Webster guy who created the Webster's Dictionary. (Supposedly)
7. I would LOVE to learn how to surf!
Now to pass on the award! Check out these awesome bloggers!
Aw! Thanks so much...
and you you scare me as a Darth.
2. Thats Awesome!
4. How can you not like butter? I thought that was impossible.
5. My hubby actually fell for that one too, so you aren't alone. :)
You are too sweet!
I would love to learn how to surf as well!
Or that paddle surfing...where you stand and paddle along? That might be more my speed.
#5 is awesome! :)
Welcome back! (and great costume!!!)
Congrats on your award.
I've had the very same gullible joke played on me - it's just not right to take advantage of us in such a way!
Young Mom- I don't like butter because of a childhood event... it's actually kind of funny. I'll elaborate later!
Patty- Paddle surfing sounds more my speed also!
I'm glad I'm not the only gullible one!
Thank you very much for the award!
I'm so glad you had a good time at your reunion ~ the costume is great!
Thanks for the award! And you do NOT look huge! You look so cute :)
I love that picture, and I agree with Colleen. Very cute!
And thanks for the award!
I think #5 and #6 may be related. And Colleen---She may not look huge but trust me---she is!!! I actually didn't make fun of her all weekend because I felt bad for her. She has to wear a size 12 shoe just for her ankles!
Thanks for the award; how sweet!
I love your "halloween" costume. ;)
I totally love the costume!
Thanks for the award! And I want to learn to surf, too! My parents went to Hawaii on their 25th anniversary and that's one of the things they did. I figure that's probably the track we're both on, but it'll be great when it finally happens! Have you ever watched Gidget? We loved that movie in high school!
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