Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 11 of the 30 Day Shred: Not too shabby!

Found this image on Google. Here is the source.

Hi, folks! I'm still here! Jillian hasn't killed me yet!

People weren't lying when they said this workout was tough. You have to do jumping jacks, people! Do you know how long it has been since I've done a jumping jack?!

I am on day 11 of the 30 day shred. The first couple of days were torture. My muscles ached SO BADLY. I could barely walk. Thankfully we have a bath tub so I could take a nice hot steamy bath to soothe my muscles that were punishing me for making them work harder than they had in a gajillion months.

I skipped day 5 because I was out of town. I was very nervous about the next day. I was afraid that Jillian would make me pay, but I conquered her and her giant nostrils and athletic smirk!

Each day gets a little easier, except level 1 is getting a tad bit boring. Yesterday would have been my last day on level 1 but I was traveling to my mother's house, so I skipped again. Sure, I could go ahead and start level 2, but I have such a big guilt complex that I would feel like I'm cheating if I continued without doing the full 10 days of the first level. Plus, I don't think I'm quite ready for level. 2 Tomorrow will probably be my last day on level 1 and a whole new kind of torture will begin!

So, you might be wondering if I've seen any results. I didn't think I would at this point, but surprisingly- I have seen a difference! I haven't lost any weight really, but I think a small amount of fat has melted away. My pants seem a little bit looser. And today I noticed in the full-length mirror at my mom's house that I can see a part of my c-section scar peeking through my "apron" of tummy fat. I never was able to see it before unless I lifted my apron up. So I am assuming that some of my tummy fat is going away since I can see my scar now. Now I am kind of worried that I am imagining things, like my mom has some sort of special, different mirror than the full-length mirror at my house.

My hunka-hunka-burnin' love of a baby boy gets very heavy to hold after awhile. When I was at Mass this last weekend and holding Joe, my arms didn't start trembling after 5 minutes like they usually do! It's such a great feeling to be able to hold my son for much longer!

One of the biggest changes is the amount of energy I have now. I think I would take that over sculpted abs and small numbers on the scale! I feel so much better nowadays! It's great!

I am trying to eat healthier- more fruits and veggies and eating smaller portions. My only problem is that I just had Girl Scout cookies delivered to me.... so... I'm sure you can guess how that is going! Stashing them in the freezer is helping a little bit.

So that's how it's going so far! Jillian is still evil, but I can conquer her!


Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

I know you can do it!

My wife teases me cuz I think Jillian is cute.

I think it is her personality that I like... all those years of getting yelled at by hockey coaches :)

Joy said...

Congrats on sticking with it ~ so great that you are feeling more energetic and toned!

Catholic Mutt said...

Way to go! That's great! Now I'm feeling more motivated to keep my date with the treadmill tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Maggie! I keep thinking I really need to get in the pool...but now I'm a bit too big for my swimsuit and I need a maternity suit and I don't have one. LOL The excuses, right?

But you have no excuses...and you are doing awesome!!!

Colleen said...

Woot-woot!! I actually think Level 2 is easier than Level One :)

Jamie said...

You go girl! I used to call my left bicep my "Jack muscle" becasue I always had him in my left arm!

That Married Couple said...

Great work! I totally feel you on wondering if the difference you see is real - I do that kind of stuff all the time!

And you might really inspire me now, because Miriam gets so heavy during mass - my husband and I are trading her off the whole time!


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