Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wondering Wednesdays Vol. 20: Reading Blogs

Here's a late Wondering Wednesday post.

How many blogs do you follow and how many of them do you actually read?

I'm finding it harder and harder to keep up with peoples' blogs. I keep finding great new ones to read! I find them in other people's blog rolls, and through commenters on my posts.

There are some blogs that I always read because I consider them dear blogging friends and they always have something interesting to say. I will admit that there are some blogs in my reader that I just skim over. I mean, my goodness.... just look at my profile and you will see how many blogs I follow. Granted, not all of them post frequently, and some of them don't post at all, but still!

I feel like my days are so busy with Joe, which I'm not complaining about! It's just I feel like I really have no time for myself. I can read blogs and have me-time when he goes to sleep, but honestly, I'm ready to go to bed myself. I don't understand how some women who have like eight kids find time to even write their own blog posts! How do you do it?!

I know that this may seem like a strange dilemma. It's not really a problem, just more of a minute frustration. It's not the end of the world if I don't get caught up on my blogs. Spending time with my husband and son is waaaaaaaaay more important than reading a blog post. I get that. But I enjoy reading blogs. I enjoy reading Faith and Family Live. I want to get more involved with the online NFP community at I just think I'm just bad at managing my blog reading time. Maybe it's that evil facebook that sucks me away!

So, how do you go about reading your favorite blogs and websites?


Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

I feel the same way. I used to have a set of about 5-10 that I read just by "clicking" on their bookmark.

Then I got an RSS reader.

Now it is out of hand. I dont sleep until midnight, and I wake up to 150+ new posts... it is insane.

Now I decided I am going to a hybrid. I'll skim my feed reader, but then I try and visit a few and really "read" them.

Also - I will click down my sidebars on my blog. Since I keep those somewhat minimal, I figure it is a good way to hit the "highlights."

Glad to see you are blogging more. I know children are time-monsters :) ... in a good way of course!

Patty said...

Your time with your son is most important. Just read when you can and what you can. When my day is b.u.s.y. I may have only time to skim some blogs. There are those that I faithfully read because I can learn so much from or I have so much in common with. Then there are those that I would just LOVE to meet in person...sigh...someday.

Catholic Mutt said...

I think blogs are great. I love reading them and writing them. But sometimes you just have to stick to what you have time for. Right now, I usually get about the perfect number of new posts to read, but if I'm gone for a day or two, it gets out of hand. Then I usually just read the people I really feel like I know, either IRL or because I've been following them so long. Also, I try not to put too much pressure on myself to comment, though I like to comment when I can.

That Married Couple said...

How funny - I woke up this morning planning to write on this same topic and then saw your post! I hope you don't mind if I do a post on this as well.

I follow 66 blogs (really?!) and do try to read most of them. I agree it can be quite difficult to keep up, though. So when push comes to shove, the ones on my sidebar are the ones I prioritize, along with a few others who I feel like I've developed a relationship with.

Sometimes if I come across a blog I think I might like to follow but I'm not sure, I'll follow anonymously. Then I don't feel as much pressure to comment and it's not as hard for me to unsubscribe if I decide not to follow.

And I'm with you on not knowing how moms with lots of kids manage to blog - that seems nearly impossible to me!

Joy said...

I'm fortunate in that we have a wireless modem at home so I can read down my favorites while on the couch nursing and am honest with myself, commenting is not always doable.

Rebecca said...

When I get behind, I catch up by reading the new posts and then going back on each blog and catching up. Sometimes even leaving a 'catch-up comment' on all the posts I've just read on the most recent.

What? NFP Community???? How did I not know about this? Going there now....

Melissa said...

I'm not sure how much help this is, but I only follow blogs I love. If the blog is not one I am %100 sure I want to follow, I might like them on facebook or twitter instead. And I only read the posts that look interesting, never everything each blog posts.

Marie said...

I have been wondering lately what to do about the same problem...

I love a lot of the articles on Faith & Family Live but it's so overwhelming to see a dozen new blog posts in my Google Reader.


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