Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yesterday's Appointment

Sigh... God must laugh at me a lot. Especially when I worry!

You might be wondering how my doctor's appointment went regarding the birth control question.

Well first of all, the Holy Spirit must have given me a Chuck Norris dose of courage because I wasn't nervous or dreading the question at all. When he asked, "What were you thinking for birth control?" and I said "Ryan and I use NFP" he said in a very supportive voice, "Alright, that's perfect!"

End of discussion.

All that worrying for nothing!

My blood pressure is back to normal- 112/62- HAPPY DANCE! I get to go off my meds!

On another note- I took Joe to the pediatrician because he's been having some painful gas. They weighed him and my little chunker is 12 lbs 10 oz! I make 'em big! :-)


Patty said...

So glad and relieved to hear about your blood pressure.

I was thinking of you last night. You know, we all worry. Let God and let be.

My word verification is...GRACE!

Catholic Mutt said...

I'm glad to hear it all went so well! Would that all doctors were that supportive of NFP. :)

Joy said...

So glad that your BP was back to normal and you are done with the medication. Yay for supportive MD's

Melissa said...

Yay! So happy on all 3 accounts. :) Great job Mama!

Rae said...


That Married Couple said...


Colleen said...

Woot-woot! And chubby babies are the best, you must make heavy cream :)


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