I was looking forward to sitting in "my chair" and relaxing. But my neighbor started working on his 3-wheeler. All I heard was VROOM, VROOM, VROOOOOOM every 5 minutes. I sighed, shut the window to drown out the noise and offered up my annoyances for the poor suffering souls in purgatory.
Then Ryan and I took our dog out to go potty and Chandler bolted towards the side of the house. Thankfully Ryan caught him before he started to sniff/eat the HUMAN THROW-UP on the side of the building. I won't go into detail, but trust me... this came gunk came from a person, considering every time we see our neighbor Joe he has a beer in his hand and is drunk.
That night while we prayed, I picked a special intention prayer asking God to lead us to the next location in our life- SOON! Ryan had applied for a new job the week before, so we prayed that something would work out with that.
Then.... the morning came. I have trouble sleeping because I'm carrying a small human inside me and it's hard to get comfortable. At 7:15 a.m. I was zapped from my finally-comfortable slumber by my neighbor WORKING ON HIS 3-WHEELER!
I am NOT a morning person. Ever. Especially after a crappy night's sleep. ESPECIALLY since my hormones are way out of control. I know that I joke about being a Darth Pregger/Preg-zilla sometimes... but there was no "ha ha" moment here.
This may be somewhat of an exaggeration (or perhaps not...) but this clip from the TV show V is kind of how I felt when I was woken up. (Imagine Anna was just woken up, not that her "soldiers" have been destroyed. It's hilarious!)
I stormed to the door while yelling varied expletives and ripped it open. Lucky for him, he had driven off down our very long driveway. He had escaped my wrath.... for now.
I went back to bed, but of course I couldn't sleep. I stared at the ceiling and had a conversation with God. I was almost in tears. I was tired and beat down. I very much wanted to love my neighbor, but it felt impossible. I kept thinking about what life would be like when our son was born. I want him to see his mother as kind, happy and at peace instead of a raging, crazy, angry lady.
I looked over at my sleeping husband. "God, please let him get this job." He loves his job now, and this job he applied for would be more of a promotion. He'd have better working hours which would be great for when our baby arrives. I hate seeing the look on his face when he has to miss out on yet another family event. He has so much to offer in his work, and the position he has now is kind of limiting. "He deserves the best. He deserves the best job ever. He works so hard." I told God.
We have been praying for awhile that God lead us to the next chapter in our lives. Surprisingly, we've been patient. It has taken me years to learn that God works on his own time, not Maggie Time. It may seem like he's not listening, but I know eventually we would get our answer.
Well... yesterday, we got part of that answer.
Ryan has an interview on Tuesday! Sure, he might not get the job, but being asked to come for an interview is a wonderful sign!
So I have some prayer requests to ask of you wonderful people. First of all, pray that I don't slash the tires of my neighbor's 3-wheeler. But more importantly, please pray that Ryan's interview goes well. Pray that we accept God's will, no matter what the outcome! Thanks, y'all!
You got it dude! (to paraphrase michelle from full house -- sorry I'm crazy!)
Also, I love the V clip. :)
Hahaha... how funny- I'm watching Full House on TV right now!
Of course! Prayers coming your way!
Prayers sent!
Praying for God's will, your patience and much happiness for your family including darling son in utero......:-) Hugs
You've got the prayers! (Your neighbor has my prayers, too, because anyone that rude has got something coming!:)
You have our prayers too. But, if I may offer one small piece of advice, don't slash the tires, cut the fuel line or take the spark plugs. Do something to keep the engine quiet.... :)
Love you guys,
Sandy Dean
I love your combination of funny and serious. You've got my prayers.
Many prayers coming your way! Please know that your hormones will go back to normal after your precious boy is here! I remember when I was pregnant with my first child waking up one morning furious with my hubby and telling him how much I hated him just for laying by me! I really didn't and thank goodness he understood my hormones were CRAZY!!! We've been married going on 16 years and have 4 kids! Take Care and I will keep you all in our prayers.
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