Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thank you so much!

I just want to give a huge shout out to y'all for your prayers, advice and information. I do not feel as discouraged. Knowledge is power. With my novena to St. Gerard and the prayers of my family and friends (both real life and on-line) I feel at peace. I'm just going to let it be, and let nature take its course. We'll see how I feel on Tuesday at my appointment.

I must apologize, however, for giving a bad impression of my doctor in my last blog post. He is a very pro-life, pro-VBAC, good Catholic doctor. He has always calmed my fears and stressed numerous times that it is MY choice how to go about getting a VBAC. Yes, he said some things yesterday that made me worry, but it is his job to tell me the benefits and risks of a vaginal delivery. Like I said, knowledge is power. He also stressed to me a couple times that even though it appears I may not achieve a VBAC he has said he has been proven wrong many times before. I know some people have had very bad experiences with their OB. I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. Still, I trust God, my body and my doctor.

But I still want to express my most sincere thanks to everybody who has prayed and offered advice and encouragement. I know I would totally be freaking out right now if I didn't have the power of God and of friends. THANK YOU!

1 comment:

That Married Couple said...

Hey Maggie, I didn't get a chance to comment on the previous post, but I'm praying for you!


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