Sunday, September 13, 2009

The First One

So here I go- my first blogging experience. I'm having trouble deciding what my blogging premier should be about. Should I do the detailed "About Me" or write about my past; maybe I should write about my "conversion" story.

But I will save those for another day.

I guess I should start out by writing about why I even want to start a blog. I used to think blogs were a nice outlet for writing, but I never had the motivation to start reading a blog. That was until my brother started a blog earlier this year. It's mostly a Catholic apologetic blog mixed with his perusings of his spirital journey. I love reading it and have actually found it to be a form of spiritual devotion for me. (I never thought I'd say that about my dorky big brother!) Here's a link to his blog:

I suggest reading if you ever have questions about why the heck Catholics do all the crazy things we do. Warning: my brother's sarcasm can be found within these holy posts!

So what do I want to accomplish with my blog? Yes, I want to focus on my spirituality, but also my adventures as a newlywed, being a recent college grad with NO job, my family, friends and my life experiences. I will be explaining and defending my beliefs on here, but explaining in a way of how I came to understand these beliefs- and most of these ways were through some good and some not so good life lessons.

But because I am a totally random person I don't think every post will be focused on spirituality. I already have a blog planned about my beagle doggie Chandler and my attempts at cooking! But God is interwoven into every part of my life that He's bound to creep in these blogs often (especially with cooking- I always pray to God I don't burn down the apartment!)

I had a difficult time trying to decide what to name my blog. I had a lot of people give awesome suggestions, but I finally picked the title "From the Heart." I was going to go the snazzy Latin way and name it "ex animo" which means "from the heart- sincerely" but decided to keep it simple. But that's why there's a E and an A before because it was VERY hard to find a web address that wasn't already taken!

Hopefully my blogs will entertain you, intrigue you and help you in your spiritual life or just plain ol' every day life.

So here I go- writing from my heart...

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