Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer School...

Hey y'all.

I started my summer class today. I knew going into it that it was going to be hard work. One look at the syllabus and I kissed my summer goodbye. I'm taking anatomy and physiology, thankfully a subject I think is really cool, but it's tough enough as a regular 16 week semester course... and I'm taking it in 8 weeks!

That's not the only stressful part. Thankfully my inlaws are super awesome and are watching my boys this summer. That is BEYOND helpful. But my class was moved from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. So that means I have to drive through downtown Kansas City in rush hour AND construction. Normally that doesn't bother me, but I CANNOT be late to my class and I have very precious cargo with me. Everyone around me in their cars looks like this:

Walking to class is an adventure as well. I feel like I'm in a real-life version of Frogger. I guess I can't shake off my small-town-ness.

It is extremely important that I do well in this class, so I will be taking a break from blogging. I know I always say that, but this is fo realz. The nursing program is very competitive, and I'm getting into the the home stretch of applying. So any prayers would be appreciated.

So my summer will be full of this:


I'd rather be doing this:

So that's going to be my summer. And the really romantic falling asleep on my husband...

The adventure continues!


Alzbeta said...

Good luck! I'll miss your wonderful blogging, but I can definitely sacrifice for your career... I guess ;-).

Joy said...

Good luck, have some fun and let me know if I can help at all.

Catholic Mutt said...

Good luck!


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