Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weight Watchers... again...

The blogging blahs have hit.

I've felt especially blah in all areas of my life.

I finished a novena about a week ago praying for 3 particular knots in my life to be undone. I usually always feel a sense of peace when the 9 days are over. This time I felt worse. The despair and fear kicked into high gear.

I've felt blah as a mother and wife. My husband has been doing most of the cooking because I've had no energy. My Joe has watched so much Baby Einstein lately that he is constantly requesting "Oatzart! Oatzart!" I let Sam roll around on the floor. I just stare at him, waiting for him to crawl, which should be any day now.

I am out of shape. Thanks to my short stature, I am bordering the obesity end of things. That is definitely taking a toll of my body. I get winded putting Joe into his car seat. I am lethargic. I feel depressed and lonely.

Besides, there really hasn't been anything interesting to blog about. It has snowed. A lot. Class was cancelled for a week. I sat around and watched Dr. Who. Nothing particularly blog worthy.

At least someone likes snow...
 I've been wanting to go back to Weight Watchers. I had great success with it last time. But spending money on a weight loss program just hasn't been in our budget. I tried doing it on my own, but that was a big fat failure.

I finally decided that I HAVE to go back. It's either spend money on meds and therapy, or spend money on Weight Watchers because I am unhappy mentally and physically. Oh, I'd also need to spend money on a new wardrobe because...

After weeks of putting it off for one reason or another, I went into a Weight Watcher center last Saturday. To my surprise, since I am a Lifetime Member, and having a baby is the reason I am not at goal, I have 3 free months to get the weight off and get back to goal! I wish I would have known that sooner or my lazy bones would have been there sooner! This is why I love this program. They are realistic.

So I bought some healthy food.

I bought me a fancy schmancy Tervis to encourage me to drink more water.

I've been doing Lindsay Brin's Postnatal Bootcamp DVD since it's been too cold to go walking. I HATE exercise DVDs. They make me wanna go all:

And seeing that overly-cheerful, 6-packed mama makes this giant blob of blubber, exercise-hating mama somewhat irritated.

But I appreciate how she tailors the workout for women who have had babies. And she's not a mean psychopath like Jillian Michaels.

I've felt a difference in my attitude over this last week since I've gotten back on the WW bandwagon. I know it will take time to get this weight off again. But I'm happy I am taking a step forward to feeling better.

So be prepared for some "I lost 2 lbs this week!!!" posts. At least they'll be happier than these bummed out posts! :-)


Anonymous said...

What meeting are you going to? Maybe we can go to meetings together?

Joy said...

Good luck on your journey, maybe you will motivate me to breakout my DVD also, mostly I too am waiting for spring and a bit more sunlight.

Catholic Mutt said...

I'm with you about having very little to blog about lately. I'm glad you got back to WW and awesome about the 3 free months!

Patty said...

You will do GREAT!!

Joseph said...

Hi Maggie,
You will make it - hang in there.
Winter has got me down a bit too but I look forward to shaking things up as the weather breaks.

Look forward to some happy blogging and a great WW report!



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