Friday, March 22, 2013

Quick Takes- Late Edition

I have soooo much stuff to do. I'm not even joking. I really should be doing said stuff, but I don't feel to hot at the moment, so I thought I'd shoot out some Quick Takes.


This is our last week in our apartment! Hence the me needing to do stuff... we are nowhere near all packed up. And Mother Nature decided to grace us with snow and even MORE snow on Saturday and Sunday so our progress will be hindered some. I really want to be out of here and have this place all cleaned by next Saturday so we can enjoy Easter Sunday. I don't think I'm going to get much out of this Holy Week.


Whenever I look back on the different places Ryan and I have lived I get a sense of nostaligia and think on the fond memories of the place we once called home. I wonder if we'll ever feel that way about this place. It's nice to be  on our own, but this apartment has caused us a lot of stress. It's crazy how this year has flown by, yet seemed to have dragged on forever.


Now that I think about it... I don't think I've ever announced on my blog that we are moving. I guess I just assume that those people who read my blog also know me on facebook.

Hey, guess what! We're moving!

I emailed our parish office a few months ago asking if they'd put out a mass email asking anyone if they had any cheap rentals. We got a few responses, and one of them was from our future landlady!


The house is tiny, but it has a backyard and is only a mile from our parish. And I won't have to worry about our upstairs neighbors pounding around and exercising at 11:30 at night.


There is one good thing about having loud upstairs neighbors. Every time they start stomping around Joe suddenly stops what he is doing, his eyes get big, he gets a serious look on his face and he whispers "Dinosaurs...."

So funny!


I'm sure you've all been dying to know how my chemistry class is going. It's going very well! I am constantly doing this:

But my professor is really good at answering questions and simplifying things. Once I go over my notes and do the homework problems I usually catch on.

We had a test last Monday and he posted the grades that night. My score was not what I was expecting. I didn't do HORRIBLY, but I was wondering how on earth I missed so many. I had a test from last semester to study from and the questions were practically word for word. When we went over our tests in class I realized he didn't credit me 6 freaking points! That was the difference between an A and B! It is very important for me to get good grades so I can get into nursing school.

I was all like this in his face.

Haha, not really. I was all like, "Uh... professor, sir, I'm sorry, but, uh, I think you missed some points, sir, I'm sorry, uh....."

My internet class sucks, and that's all I gotta say about that.


Something funny I saw today. This is TOTALLY me with EVERYTHING Pope Francis!

Have a good weekend! Stop by Jen's for more Quick Takes!

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