Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just Some Stuff...

I've tried for awhile to write a blog post. Sometimes I look at the blinking cursor thingy and I drift off to sleep. Other times Joe jumps in my lap. Once I think I wrote half a post, it somehow got deleted and I turned into the spawn of Satan.

I've been feeling like this lately:

I have been super tired and super pissy. In the beginning of my pregnancy I was really hormonal in the sad/depressed way. Now I've just been mad and easily irritated. (My poor young neighbors upstairs have their days numbered where I will tolerate their loud TV.)

So here is a mish mash of stuff I've wanted to write about.

On Sunday afternoon Ryan and I went to the Kansas City symphony. It was a Christmas present from my father in law. I felt like such a grown up going but I knew I would feel like a kid because the music we would be listening to was music from Disney movies. I had never before been to the symphony so I was super excited.

We had excellent seats and the music was simply amazing. The vocalists sounded just like the characters in the movies. And guess what I did. I cried. They were showing clips from the movies and from Disney World and a whole bunch of childhood memories came flooding back to me. I've been stressed with money and finances and the future and it was nice to escape to a world where my only worries were if we had enough popsicles and if mom would let me go to a sleepover.

My mind also drifted to Joe and how his childhood is really starting to take-off. He loves Toy Story and Cars and I can see his love for adventure and make believe growing. Just thinking about his innocence make me all weepy.


I've been slacking on my blogging. That doesn't really bother me. I'm pretty sure there aren't any people who are sitting anxiously by their computers waiting for a new post from me. But what I feel bad about is my lack of commenting on y'alls posts. There are times I've noticed that some of my regular commentors haven't really been commenting as much. I was racking my brain as to why that was when I realized how little I comment. I'm not saying that these people aren't commenting because I'm not commenting on their posts. But the reason I don't comment is because I'm just plain tired. And perhaps that is the same reason why some people don't comment on my posts. (My Lord, that's a lot of typing the word "comment")

I want to comment. I have comments in my head I just sometimes don't have the energy to write it all out. Other times I plan on going back to comment but forget. So I am reading your blogs! I do care about what you write! I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.

Perhaps this is another reason I don't comment or blog:


Allison said...

I read :) But I don't think I comment much any more. You know, my blog has been super quiet lately too with the commenting. It gets a little lonely feeling, so here's some comment love!

I bought Annamarie a Return of the Jedi shirt with Wicket on it at Old Navy last weekend, and it reminded me of you guys since I knew you loved the yoda onesie I made her at one point :)

Dwija {House Unseen} said...

We are belly twins these days, I swear. I feel your pain!

Julie said...

Those pictures are so sweet! And I look your mention of Joe's childhood. I wish I would pay more attention to that and less to the difficulties and stresses.

Catholic Mutt said...

Joe cracks me up! I hear what you're saying that it's hard to comment sometimes. Sometimes if I'm reading while I eat, I mean to go back to make a comment later... and then it doesn't happen. But I thought a comment in my head, I swear! Does that count?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry...summer is sometimes slower anyway. :) Joe is such a crackup!!

Katie said...

Joe is such a cutie-pie. What a ham!

Alzbeta said...

Sometimes I start a comment and then it sits in the little box until I decide it sounds silly, get distracted or forget it was there and shut my computer... yep, I'm not so dependable ;-).

Also... you're awesome.

January said...

Haha, I love that montage of Joe climbing all over your head. What an adorable stinker.

Colleen said...

Still reading too :) YOu look great Maggie, and I love the picture of you kissing Joe while he's holding your face....precious! If it makes you feel any better, I always become a monster at the end of the pregnancies. i think it's God's way of getting us ready for all the pain of labor. It's like we are so pissy that we will do ANYTHING to get this baby out!

Lianna said...

Sweet pictures of you and Joe! The little one is lucky to have such a fun big brother! And such a dedicated mom!

Jamie said...

((HUGS)) to you, Maggie!! Life will change again for you very soon. Maybe there will be more time for blogging and commenting, maybe less. Just go with it. You clearly know where you are being called right now.

I'm with you on not blogging lately. Honestly, I haven't even logged into blogger in nearly a month. WOW. I just have been flush with thoughts, ideas, and yes COMMENTS, but I am called somewhere else right now.

Much love....

That Married Couple said...

Another one here who's having trouble commenting lately (if by lately you mean the past 6+ months) and hating that. I hear you on the meaning to go back but forgetting - I'll have half a dozen blogs up that I plan to comment on after Miriam goes to bed, and then come back to realize that Greg's closed it out and it's too much work to go hunt them out again! :-P

And I love the pics!

Emily said...

What you said about comments could have come from my mouth. We're MOM bloggers, not single women. I guess that's just reality.

Adorable pictures of you two!


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