Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I complain....

Me: "UGH! I keep hearing our neighbor's TV! And they are stomping around up there! I wish they would be quiet!"

Somewhere, someone else is saying: "I am deaf. I've never heard the voice of my husband or the coos and giggles of my 7 month old daughter."

Me: "I hate this apartment. There are barely any windows."

Somewhere, someone else is saying: "I live in poverty in a third world country. The shack I live in has no windows and it gets unbearably hot in the summer."

Me: "I look SO FAT with this pregnancy. I'm tired of this baby doing kung-foo on my bladder and my back hurting all the time!"

Somewhere, someone else is saying: "I got yet another negative pregnancy test. I will have to see the heartbroken look on my husband's face when I tell him he isn't going to be a daddy this month"

Me: "This air conditioner sucks. I'm hot."

Somewhere, someone else is saying, "I am an 87 year old woman living on social security and living alone. I have no air conditioning unit and the heat index is 107 degrees."

Me: "I'm worried we won't be able to afford Catholic education."

Somewhere, someone else is saying, "I'm a single mother to three young children. I'm worried I won't be able to afford food on the table this week."

Me: "I just know I'm going to get pre-eclampsia. Why does this have to happen to me?"

Somewhere, someone else is saying, "My OB strongly urged me to terminate this pregnancy because there is a 50/50 chance I will die due to my heart condition." 

Me: "My 22 month old crackhead toddler is driving me nuts!!!"

Somewhere, someone else is saying, "I lost my son while I was 22 weeks pregnant. I held him while his heart kept beating for an hour and then he passed away."

I'm having a lot of difficulty with my prayer life. I have a lot of things going on in my mind. But what I do get out is just a lot of petitions and complaining. I rarely ever pray for others or thank God for my blessings. I mentiond above that someone out there is saying they are being pressured into aborting. That isn't something I just made up. A woman approached the NFP group I am a part of asking for prayers. Suddenly, my fears and worries about pre-eclampsia seem silly because I haven't even been diagnosed.

I need to get to confession. I need to look at the bright side of life, no matter how many things are stressing me out or annoying the crap out of me.

Things could be worse. There are people out there who are in worse situations than I am, yet they are much happier than me.

My faith that "everything will be alright" is shaky most of the time. But God has taken care of us so far... why would he stop? 


Anonymous said...

Maggie, I love the authenticity you bring to your posts- I can see your love for Joe shining through even when he's being a terror.

Thank you for this list. I've been feeling down today also, and I need to recognize how small my problems are. I will pray for the woman in your NFP group. Her experience is one of my deepest fears. Could I really carry my baby to term knowing there was a good chance we would both die and I would leave the rest of my family? God save me from ever being in that place.


Joy said...

Will pray for the woman with the heart condition and you, I think in someway the last weeks are the hardest.

Hugs to you my friend!

Catholic Mutt said...

I complain pretty much all the time about the stupidest stuff. Now? I would hope after seeing what people are going through out here from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs that maybe I can keep my whining to a minimum. Praying for the woman and her baby!

Katie said...

Wow...I love your perspective. I was just complaining because I'm working on the fourth of July...I need confession, too. Your post encourages me to man-up and go. :)

I'll be sure to pray for your continued safe pregnancy and the woman who's being asked to terminate. Planning adoration and confession this weekend.

Imperfect Kate said...

Thank you, Maggie. I needed this.


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