Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pregnancy Body Image and Pre-Eclampsia Fears

Last Friday I reached the 30 week mark in my pregnancy. Never before have I looked at my ankles so much. 


Well, let's take a looksey at what my ankles looked like at 30 weeks in my last pregnancy: 


I was at my 30 week point when I started to swell significantly. I knew it looked bad at the time, but when I look back at photos I am in complete shock. Oddly enough, my blood pressure was perfect when I started to swell. It wasn't until 38 weeks that my blood pressure spiked. 

I have big fears about getting pre-eclampsia again. It is super serious and can be deadly. That part has always scared the living bejesus out of me. But it also took away some of the joy of bring a new life into the world. It was hard to bond with Joe because I was in such bad shape. After his birth, all the attention was directed toward me because my blood pressure was spiraling out of control. I would have rather had attention for birthing a freaking adorable baby boy. I was confined to the bed and recovering from a c-section and dealing with the nurses freaked out looks every time they took my blood pressure. It was not enjoyable.

I thank God I didn't really feel any of the affects of high blood pressure. There were no headaches, no spots in my vision. I did feel anxious but that's because I was afraid I was going to die and I also had to worry about keeping an infant who totally depended on me alive. It was a rough experience physically and emotionally. 

I've talked with my previous OB and my current OB about my guilt that I brought pre-eclampsia on myself. They both assured me that I had not. They have seen women who are perfectly healthy, eating all organic, and working out everyday getting pre-eclampsia. 

I still resolved that I would not follow the same habits I did when I was last pregnant. For breakfast I would eat Cap'n Crunch or some other high-sugar cereal. Now I eat Multi-grain Cheerios. For lunch and supper I would usually eat a can of spaghettios or a Hungry Man frozen dinner because Ryan worked strange hours and I ate by myself. Now for lunch I always have two PB&J's. Since Ryan works regular hours we always have a home-cooked meal for supper. It's not all natural or organic, but it's not from a can. In my last pregnancy my snacks usually consisted of oatmeal cream pies, sour cream and onion chips and popsicles. Now I snack on fruit, cheese, granola bars and fruit snacks. My before-bedtime snack used to consist of practically a whole bag of mini chocolate donuts and a big glass of chocolate milk. Now it's usually fruit. Lately it's been applesauce. 

In my previous pregnancy I did not exercise at all. I remember at around 13 weeks, when the weather started getting nice, I attempted to walk everyday but I got bad shin splints. Instead of working through them or trying another exercise I just gave up. The only activity I really did was clean house. This pregnancy I've been trying to walk 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Of course I'm a lot more active chasing around a crazy toddler. 

I could be doing better. I could be eating more in moderation. I could be exercising a little harder. I've still gained a nice amount of weight. But I think I'm doing a lot better than last time. Here is my ankle at 30 weeks this pregnancy: 

If you ignore the super-sexy flip flop tan line you can see I STILL have ankles! Although, I like my flip flop tan line because it is proof I am going outside and being active and I'm still wearing my trusty old size 6 flip flops. In my last pregnancy I had to search for a size 7 around 25 weeks because my feet were swelling that much. 

I really credit doing Weight Watchers before I got pregnant. I was overweight when I got pregnant with Joe, but with this baby I was in a healthy weight range when we conceived. Weight Watchers also taught me how to eat better and I've carried most of it into this pregnancy. 

A lot of people have commented on how good I look. Some people have said when they look at me straight on they can't even tell I'm pregnant (I think they need their eyes checked, but it has happened on three different occasions.) It's nice to get compliments instead of what I got in my last pregnancy. "Wow, I didn't recognize you! Your face is so full!" Not a good idea to say that to a hormonal pregnant lady.

I feel a lot better this pregnancy. Last time I was so tired and big and swollen that it hurt to walk around and even get out of my chair. My feet would hurt so bad. I waddled very early in my pregnancy. Not this time. Thank goodness for that because Joe needs me. 

I've been somewhat obsessive this time around of my appearance. Most of it is because of my fears of pre-eclampsia. There are times after a very busy, hot day my feet have swollen a little and I freak. I immediately take my blood pressure with our home monitor and it's always perfect. I'm constantly asking my husband if my ankles look swollen.

There are times I look at other pregnant women and am so jealous. It looks like they just stuffed a basketball under their shirt. I've gotten pleasantly plump all over and it upsets me sometimes. I don't know, maybe I'm the only pregnant woman that compares her body to other pregnant women. I hate reading on the message board posts of how much weight a woman has gained in her pregnancy. I did get a little neurotic about how much weight I was gaining at the beginning of this pregnancy. There was one month I had a big jump and my jaw dropped. The nurse just laughed and said this was my month to get the big leap in weight. I didn't believe her and mentioned my concerns to my doctor. He told me he wasn't worried about it. Now I am trying to stop stressing so much.

I look in the mirror and get a little stressed about my plump face, my chubby arms, and my growing badonkadonk. But then I look at my huge belly and know that there is a reason for all this. I remember "bargaining" with God at the beginning of this pregnancy. I told him I would rather have all the aches and pains and constipation and stretch marks and I'd gladly gain 70 lbs if I could be spared from pre-eclampsia or any other dangerous pregnancy condition. I know you aren't supposed to bargain, but I thought I'd try.

I got really upset when I would read or hear people make fun of Jessica Simpson when she was pregnant. Because when I saw pictures of her, I saw me (just less stylish and less make-up.) Why do we judge other women, especially when they are growing a person? Why do we compare how much weight we've gained in pregnancy? I know she gave birth to a pretty big baby girl, but as far as I know, there were no complications. Did she feel insecure like me? Did she feel like people were talking negatively behind her back? 

I know that pregnancy isn't always pretty or beautiful. It can be scary and really take a toll on a woman. I'm not saying that I hate pregnancy. It's just hard to give up control to God. It's hard to put your pride on the back burner because not all women are built the same in pregnancy. I know I shouldn't be so vain about my appearance, but it gets scary because I associate getting bigger with swelling and getting pre-eclampsia.

It's kind of funny how I word my prayers to St. Gerard. Of course I ask him for his intercession for a healthy baby, but I also ask him to remind me to drink more water, to find the motivation to exercise and to lay off the fast food. 

So far I think he's getting through to me. :-)


Calah said...

Oh Maggie, I totally sympathize. These are the same issues that plague me every pregnancy. I gained 60 lbs with my first (which I never lost all of), only 17 with my 2nd but that was because I was so sick I threw up multiple times a day until I was 7 months along (and had to listen to everyone tell me how wonderful I looked and how much better this pregnancy was, as I was contemplating puking on them), 35 with my last, and so far I've gained 10 with this one (at 5 months preggo). In every pregnancy, every person I know comments on "how well" I'm doing or not doing (and when they say that, they mean how well I'm doing at not getting huge and fat). It's so frustrating and discouraging, especially when the focus should be the health of mother and child. I've had major food aversions with this pregnancy and have actually had trouble finishing even small meals (something that was a totally foreign concept to me before!) and my relatives and in-laws can't stop talking about how good I look. It's maddening, especially because I'm been genuinely concerned about whether or not this baby is getting enough nutrition...but all anyone else seems concerned about is whether or not I'm getting fat again.

Kudos to you for focusing on being healthy. People are way too obsessed with weight and looks. I think you look beautiful, and I'm glad you're managing to keep your ankles! Not an easy task. I also agree with your docs that while your diet probably contributed some (because everything in our bodies is connected), pre-eclampsia is so random that you simply can't blame yourself. I've heard midwives claim that it's caused by a salt deficiency! No one really knows, I think, but you're definitely doing good things to address it. (I ate nothing but zebra cakes and McDonalds during my first pregnancy, and I am honestly amazed I didn't get pre-eclampsia and that Sienna didn't have some sort of birth defect.) If I might offer a bit of unsolicited advice? I've found that scrambled eggs are the best daily breakfast, all the time but especially with pregnancy (or fried, or whatever). They have the protein I always need for energy and good fats for the baby's brain, and I don't ever get the crashy feeling from eating eggs that I always get with cereal. Just an idea. I feel like sh*t on days when I don't eat eggs.

Good luck with the rest. You look great. Don't get discouraged, and try to ignore people, even when it seems impossible.

Calah said...

Also: babycenter is from.the.devil. It took me 2 1/2 pregnancies to realize that. I don't even follow my baby's weekly updates anymore because it makes me crazy.

Jenny said...

I will pray for you to avoid pre-eclampsia this time around. I know what you mean about people's comments. This older lady in our parish came up to me after Mass this week and said in astonishment "My! You sure have blossomed all of a sudden." Gee thanks, lady.

I just got back from another ultrasound that revealed that my placenta is still low lying. The tech said she couldn't give me any information (why not? it's my body!), but immediately went on to ask "Have you had to have a C-section before?" Not real encouraging.

Emily @ Day in the Life said...

You look beautiful! And I have been praying for you in this pregnancy! I have been following your blog for over a year now and I've read all your posts about being pregnant with Joe. I think that all the things you're doing to eat healthier are really helping!

Anonymous said...

Our society puts so much pressure on us to control our bodies...pregnant or not pregnant. Remember that each pregnancy (like each child) is're growing a whole 'nother human in there!!! :) I have had weird things happen in one pregnancy, nothing crazy happen in another pregnancy...over the course of 5 pregnancies, I have learned that eating healthy, getting some moderate exercise and maintaining a low stress/worry level has been helpful.

you look great and your doctors are correct that pre-eclampsia is not really anything you give yourself. My sister had it with her third pregnancy/labor/delivery along with severe high blood pressure and H.E.L.P. syndrome.

Enjoy these last few weeks!!!

Joy said...

Sorry about the worries but am glad you are feeling better about your diet and activity level with this pregnancy. Continued prayers and support!

Patty said...

First of all, you look absolutely radiant...beautiful and so very healthy!!

I am so impressed with your healthy attitude. Keep up the great, great work!

You are on the home stretch now. The hardest part for some. I will continue to pray for you daily for a healthy 10 weeks, safe delivery, and smooth recovery!

Kim said...

Awww I hope you don't get pre eclampsia this time. I also don't think you are to blame. Certain ppl are just genetically more susceptible than others. I have had so many complications each time with each one I never know what to expect.

I also second the eggs or protein breakfast at least several times a week. It helps keep the blood sugar good. Although some mornings like today I can barely eat anything without feeling like up chucking . Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

It drove me super crazy during my last pregnancy because I was obsessed with how much I was gaining. Considering that when my twins were six months old, I got pg again so I never had a chance to really lose the baby weight from them. So now I'm working on it three kids later. I hate the culture of skinny that plagues women in our society. It drives me nuts.

You look healthy and yay for no swollen ankles this time around :)

Урнаа said...

i had high blood pressure and swelling with my 2 boys too. and i am afraid for my future pregnancies for same reason since i am 100lbs heavier than pre pregnancy weight.
you looks healthy.


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