Long before I became pregnant with Joe I always made the semi-joking comment that I want all boys because if I have a girl and she's anything like me, then I'll be put in a mental institution. Plus, I'm not very girly-girl, so chasing around a gross dirty boy who likes super heroes sounds really fun to me!
A few weeks before we found out the gender of this newest baby I was at the park with Joe. Two little boys came with their grandmother and they were rowdy, loud and so much fun to watch (in a non-kidnapping way, of course.) They were playing "king and knight" and the oldest boy told me that he was five years old and his brother was three. They are two years apart, just like Joe and his little sibling will be. They had Lego Star Wars shirts on, skinned up knees and my heart just burst with joy thinking that I could have another boy and Joe would have so much fun with his little brother, just like these two boys were.
But I thought for sure that I was having a girl. This pregnancy has been so different from my pregnancy with Joe that I was certain I was crafting a girl in there. But when the ultrasound tech directed her wand toward the baby's nether-region I could tell immediately that there was no va-jay-jay there. It was all boy and he was showing off his goods loud and proud. Both Ryan and I were stunned. "Wow... another boy!"
Don't get me wrong- it's not like I'm unhappy that we're having another boy. Ryan and I said long ago that it would be fun to have two boys back-to-back because that would be an amazing bond. Of course, we said this before Joe started climbing everything and eating spiders. It's nice too that we won't have to buy all new stuff. Plus, I know how a boy operates, so I feel like I'm more prepared for this baby.
But part of me wonders/worries if we'll ever have a girl. As much as I love the adventures of boys I do want a daughter. But looking at my family tree on my side, the chances of having a girl look dismal. My mom's mom had six boys before she got her girl. My dad's mom had three boys. In fact, my dad's side is primarily men. My half-sister and I were the first female Munshaws in two generations. All of our cousins are boys. My sister has two boys. It even seems like most of the women that graduated from my college have a lot of boys. Maybe Ryan's side of the family will pull through because both his mom and dad's sibling groups consist of a lot of girls.
Just last weekend we were at the park again and there was a pregnant woman there with her 16 month old son. I asked her what she was having and she said she was having another boy. She also said they were done after this one because she knew if she tried for a girl then they'd have another boy. I'm not too worried yet about never having a girl. It's all in God's hands.
But I am going to order Rachel Balducci's book How do You Tuck in a Superhero? just in case I am blessed with oodles of boys!
You never know what God has in store. Speaking from the standpoint of a mom who had three girls in a row and then two boys in a row, I personally love that my girls have each other right around similar ages/stages and I also really love that my boys will have that, too.
I also grew up with three girls in succession in my siblings (I was the oldest of three girls, and we had book-end brothers). My sisters are my best friends in the whole world. I hope that my daughters grow up to feel the same about each other.
I often wonder if we were to have another baby, if we'd be blessed with another boy, or if a girl would come at this point. You know, as we were having our girls, my sisters were having girls and there were lots of girls on my husband's side, too.
Now my parents have 18 grandchildren children in 10.5 years and they have 10 girls and 8 boys in there. I figure it all evens out somewhere!
You must look to your husband for this. Here's the answer: The father provides an X or Y chromosome; the mother always provides an X chromosome. Therefore, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosome of the individual sperm that fertilizes the egg.
Ha ha ha! Bust out laughing at the Va-jay-jay word!!!
I also think it'll be great to have two boys in a row! My girlfriend's two sons are like 16 months apart and they truly are best friends. The older one started kindergarten this year and his little brother was so lonely for him (even though they have another younger brother as well) - it's so sweet!
I say ignore all the family history stuff when it comes to gender. (I know, easier said than done!) All of my husband's side is like yours - boy sons, boy cousins, boy uncles, boys boys boys! And the first of the next generation - Miriam. Now my husband is convinced we're going to have all girls. To be honest I hope not, but time will tell!
Gender is one area that is all up to Ryan :)!
I only have brothers and The Man only has sisters, so we each gained the other when we got married. It is awesome!
Boys rule!
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