Friday, May 27, 2011

What in the Boob Are You Doing?!

My nursing relationship with Joe is still going strong. He's about a week shy of 9 months and we haven't had any problems. He'd still rather nurse than eat solids. I have to coax him to eat baby food and he is not interested in table food whatsoever. That's fine by me; I know he'll get it eventually.

Lately, the one thing that has changed is the way he nurses. Now that he has gotten more observant of the world around him he likes to nibble, look around, nibble some more, etc. When someone enters the room and says anything he stops and looks at them. If it's Daddy he'll usually stop nursing and want to play with him. I have to nurse him in a quiet room with relatively no distractions. The best place is in bed.

Oh yeah, and the biting.*Shudders*... Oy, the biting....

But the past few days he's done something even more different. He won't lay in my arms like a sweet peaceful baby and nurse. He sits up and nurses! I'll be laying on my side nursing him and he'll get up from his laying down position and sit and lean toward me and nurse! Once when I was sitting on the couch nursing he sat up on my lap facing me and reached toward me and nursed that way! He constantly wants to be on the go-go-go, so I understand why he wants to nurse in this strange new manner. I think it's funny, but weird!

Anybody else have their babies start nursing in strange positions or is it just my child? This isn't a sign he wants to wean is it?


Natalie said...

While I haven't nursed Jack since he was about 8 months old... he too started to take more control of how he was positioned at my breast! I don't think it was a sign of weaning for us, but we did wean shortly afterwards because my supply wouldn't keep up while pumping at work.

Abby said...

Probably not a sign he wants to wean, but that he's moving into the toddler phase of nursing :) Good luck! Sometimes I think my daughter is trying to do baby-yoga with all the positions she gets into during nursing now...

Joy said...

Biting ~ yes
Snacking while he looks around~ yes
Sitting up while nursing ~ not yet

Dacia said...

That is how my boy has been since about 8m. 14m now and still going strong! So no to the weaning thing, it is just your very active guy being, well very active. :) My Dominic wiggles all over the place and is so easily distracted. But still love it. The biting lasted a short time for us so hopefully it does for you too! Happy nursing!

BlessedMom said...

The baby finally gave me the hint that she was done when all she wanted to do was bite me! I think he's just a busy boy figuring out the world!

Melissa said...

I'm still nursing my 20 month old (the longestI've ever gone) and I continue to be surprised by the strange positions she can manage to nurse from. :)

Katie Z. said...

Biting... all three of mine have done that
Sitting up? Oh, yeah.
My nephew used to only nurse if my sister stood up and held him straight up and down.
Snacking? Oh, heavens to Betsy! You bet.
And he has NO desire to wean.

That Married Couple said...

That's so cute :) (Well, maybe not the biting!)


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