Joe is getting strong everyday! He can scoot around and can get on all fours in the crawling position, but just hasn't figured out the mechanics behind it. He can roll over in both directions very well and rolls all over the place. The other day he managed to roll/scoot over the the changing table and started taking empty wipe tubs off and playing with them. I think it's time to baby proof!
He's finally teething! His favorite teething toy is my finger and one day as he was gnawing on my finger I noticed a tooth coming in! A couple days later the one right beside it started coming in! He hasn't been too fussy. I think it bothers him mostly at night when he wants to go to sleep.
Joe has become a screamer. He'll babble, squeal and then scream in a high-pitched holler. I wonder how that will develop when he hits his toddler years... He LOVES to blow raspberries. Especially when he's eating. I need to wear a welder's helmet or hockey mask because I often get oatmeal splattered on my face!
He's getting better about eating solids. He really only likes oatmeal and bananas. He still isn't a big fan and would much rather have my milk. Speaking of breastfeeding a 7 month old- it's interesting now. He likes to look around and move his head. Sometimes he takes my nipple with him. Sometimes he'll nibble, look around, nibble some more, play with my face and hair, then go back to eating. It takes forever but I still cherish it!
We took these photos last night. I was too lazy to get a bib and sweet potatoes got every.where. But Joe had fun!
Such cuteness!
Liam is a fan of the orange vegetables, not too sure about the green.
He's so cute! It all starts really rolling by fast after 6 months least for me!
Loved the photos! Thanks for sharing.
Yay! Happy 7 months!
what cute photos! and teeth--very exciting :)
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