Friday, April 9, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday Vol. 12


Is anyone else tired of hearing about Tiger Woods? I enjoy watching the news, but every time I turn it on, there he is in all his post-scandal glory. My husband, ever the SportsCenter fanatic, is getting annoyed as well because almost every piece is about Tiger Woods and they even have his golf score from the Masters posted on the side at all times. Gag me.


I brought back two huge totes of old photographs. I need to organize and put into photo albums pictures from 2001 to the present. I have to get pictures printed off my computer from 2007. Looking back at my senior year I thought, "Dang, I was SKINNY!" I'm sure I'll look at pictures of my post-baby body (I don't even want to know what that will look like....) 10 years from now and think, "Dang, I was SKINNY!" Oh body image.... my fickle, fickle friend!


My newest pregnancy fear: delivering a 10 pound baby.


The nearest Wal-Mart (25 miles away) is really frustrating me. We went grocery shopping and I wanted to pick up some baby carrots. They were completely out. Three shelves that once held baby carrots- empty. We asked the produce guy and he said there should be more coming in on the grocery truck later that night. I used to work at Wal-Mart so I know how some of the grocery associates fib so they don't have to walk all the way to the back to check. I gave him a skeptical look, thanked him and went on my way.

I wanted to get some Special K multi grain crackers. They didn't have any. I thought my search for healthy food was an epic fail so I wanted to look for those Keebler Elf sandwich cookies. They didn't have any.

This isn't the first time this Wal-Mart has let me down. Reason #254 why I want to move.


Speaking of getting frustrated, last night I tried to burn a DVD of all our holiday videos that were saved to my husband's computer. It took about 3 hours for it to burn completely. I popped it in the DVD player- nothin'. I popped it back into the computer- nothin'. Thankfully I was too tired to throw a temper tantrum.


OH my gosh... I can't believe I almost forgot to mention this. This news almost deserves its own post.


Oh glorious day! We can do laundry whenever we want! We don't have to ask our neighbors to do laundry anymore! Whenever the dog pukes on the blanket we can wash it right away instead of storing it in a trash bag until our neighbor's washer is open! Now our house smells like laundry soap and dryer sheets! Huzzah!!!


My sense of smell is heightened a bit more since I got pregnant. Cool Ranch Doritos makes me gag. I was worried the smells I usually love- fresh cut grass, the lawn and garden department at Wal-Mart, would become too strong. Nope- still some of my favorite smells!

Have a happy weekend!


Katie said...

Ha! I do the same thing! As in, "I thought my search for healthy food was an epic fail so I wanted to look for those Keebler Elf sandwich cookies."

I know what you mean about that-overly-talked-about-golfer...annoying!

Have a good weekend!

Kerrie @ TFK said...

We don't have a Wal-Mart *gasp*. I have to drive to another state to go to one. But, I love going there. It's my Disney Land! lol

There are certain smells that make me gag (and sometimes more)too, now that I'm pregnant...garlic, body odor, beef....

Catholic Mutt said...

I'm so jealous about the washer and dryer! I want one!:)

Rae said...

Yay for washers and dryers! I am fine without it now, but that is so huge when you have a baby!

I weighed 10lbs 4oz at birth. But my mother says that I was one of the easier deliveries and it was only 4 hours, so I guess 10lbs does not have to be horrible... the really scary thing is how big all of our heads are in my family. Ouch!


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