Friday, March 26, 2010

No Quick Takes

No Quick Takes this week, folks. The purpose of Quick Takes is to piece together little tidbits that don't equal up to a full blog post. But I don't have enough tidbits to even make up 7 quick takes.

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Not spiritually (thank goodness) but just a depressed/irritable funk. I'm sure I can chalk it up to pregnancy hormones, but it is still a pain in the bum. I've been stressed about so many little things- like facebook statuses that I take personally, my neighbors pounding up and down the stairs and annoying the living crap out of me, not having a washer and dryer- just stupid stuff, really.

Then there's the big stuff. This whole health care bill has weighed very heavily on my heart. People fighting each other over it (here comes my Pollyanna view of the world...), family and friends divided... it just makes me sad. Then there are finances... I'm just so afraid that finances will block our way of having the family that God wants us to have. Then there's the fact that I want to get out of this town and on to a good (hopefully Catholic) community... and where we don't have to drive 25 miles to a good grocery store and entertainment.

I'm also now getting paranoid about our next doctor's appointment this coming Tuesday. Normally appointments are 4 weeks apart, but we decided to wait close to 6 weeks for the next appointment because we're doing some testing. Things feel like they are going perfectly, but I'm still a little worried that when we go to hear the heartbeat it won't be there. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine, but it's just been so long since we've had that visible evidence that all is well.

I've been trying to walk everyday- not only to benefit the baby and myself health-wise, but just to get my happy-feelings a'movin' to the rest of my body.

Sorry this sounds all gloomy and depressing. These feelings just popped out of nowhere just a couple days ago. For the most part I'm grateful for the blessings God has given me and I try SO very hard to shake off these crappy feelings. I know I just need to toughen up and get over it!!!I'm craving Sunday and Mass so I can be with Jesus. Perhaps I should go to daily Mass?

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


Michelle said...

Those kinds of moods can really be depressing...have them some too! Praying that God's grace will see you through them!

When do you go for your sonogram? That will be super exciting and really sets you into the 'wanna buy everything' mood.

Have a great day Maggie!!!

Melissa said...

I know how it is to have all the little things get you down. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sometimes it helps me to put all of it aside and refuse to think about it and focus on something else.

That Married Couple said...

I'm sorry you're in a funk - those are no fun at all! All those little things that you mentioned really do add up, and I'm with you on wanting a Pollyanna world!

You should totally go to daily Mass. I just started this Lent and it is awesome! So I would say take the fact that it popped into your head as prodding from the Holy Spirit and go for it!

Rae said...

Daily Mass is wonderful, though I wonder how far you would have to drive to get there. I hope that it is less than 25 miles!

I am glad that your appointment is soon, and will pray that you will be fully reassured.

Enjoy your walks!

Monique said...

I am so sorry you are feeling this way. :( I will definitely pray for you. I know there are things in your life you are worried about, but think about the many blessings you have. You are a lot more blessed than you believe. May God bless you and yours. :)


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