Thursday, February 11, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday Vol. 8


It has been over a week since I've posted anything to my blog! I haven't been feeling well enough to put coherent thoughts together. Plus, my life is pretty boring. I don't have stories of all the cute/ornery things my children do (having kids is usually a requirement to tell those stories!) I don't have a job to complain/be proud of. I have no school to keep me busy.

What do I do all day? I read blogs and articles on the Internet while Headline News is on the TV in the background. Then I usually watch an episode or two of "A Baby Story" on TLC. I'll read my book a bit, straighten up and eat every once in awhile. I'll check back on my Blogger page to see if any more of you wonderful ladies and gentlemen have written anything new. At some point during the day I talk to my mom on the phone.

This is all when Ryan is not home. When he is home I am much more productive!


I don't care who you were rooting for during the Super Bowl- Drew Brees with his son after his big win was truly a touching moment! I totally cried!


I can't believe Lent will be here in less than a week. I'll have to admit, Lent used to be a huge drag for me, before my reversion back to the Church. Nowadays I appreciate it much more, but still have a hard time getting myself spiritually ready. I always have big plans to really grow closer to God during Lent... but I usually end up failing big time...


So far I've read the Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke through the Navarre Bible series. It's the Bible, but with an extensive commentary. Wowsers does this commentary make me think! I always read it before bedtime, but it always makes me think... and think...and wonder.... and not fall asleep!


The Winter Olympics is days away. For some reason, these Olympics don't thrill me all that much. Perhaps I'm tired of seeing snow outside my window, I don't want to see people playing in it either!


I don't know about y'all... but I hate, hate, HATE those phony-bologna jewelry commercials they have showing every 5 minutes on TV. "He went to Jared!" GAG ME!


My brother-in-law is now a published writer! He writes for the online version of Warpaint Illustrated (a magazine about the Kansas City Chiefs.) However they picked one of his articles to appear in the actual printed publication! We're so proud of him!

That's all folks! Have a great weekend!


Catholic Mutt said...

I hope you're feeling better! I'm also with you on hating the jewelry commercials. I also hate all the pink hearts for sale right now of various forms. As if that's what Valentine's was all about.

That Married Couple said...

1. Even though I have school to keep me busy, most of my days end up looking like yours!

2. So sweet!

4. I just finished Matthew in the Ignatius Study Bible series. I really like having commentary to go with the reading, too!

7. Congrats!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

#1. Yes, yes, and yes. Though instead of having headline news on in the background, which is way classy, I have on CSI. *lowers head in shame*

#2. I suppose I *must* concede that this is adorable. Would be much more adorable if they were wearing Colts blue. *mumbles to self*

Hope you have a great weekend!

Melissa said...

#1 I remember those days. May I reccomend working on a project? I wish now I had pushed myself to finish scrapbooking my Wedding Album before my babies came. Do you have any unfinished projects lurking around? Do them now! :)

Unknown said...

I agree with young Mom, there are so many things I wish I had done to prepare myself for having kids while I still had the time. I wish that I had taken more classes on sewing, knitting, and all other sorts of crafts. I wish I had learned how to be a better housekeeper, sigh...

Reading the Navarre Bible does sound great. It reminds me of when I was in school, I often worked or went to classes during the day, so the only time I had to really study was at night. Reading anything even slightly intellectual does not help me sleep either.

Rae said...

I think that I would rather watch the Colts and Saints children play on the field than the actual super bowl. Maybe that explains part of why I didn't actually watch it. :-)

Rebecca said...

Love the moments of Drew Brees and his son.

I'm with you on the Olympics - I do think it's just too much snow as of late.

And the jewelry commercials - don't forget 'Every Kiss begins with Kay' - *gag*


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