Monday, September 3, 2012

Joe is 2!

Yesterday Joe turned 2. Although, he's been acting like a 2 year old for quite some time now!

I can't believe how much he has grown. Having a newborn REALLY makes me aware of how much he has grown.

Of course it is challenging having a toddler. Mass and grocery store trips are quite exhausting. He makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes. But, oh, my- how he makes me smile and laugh! I have a lot of difficult days, but because of him, there is a 100% guarantee I will giggle or grin at least once a day.

This birthday was fun because he was a little more aware of what is going on. He still doesn't quite get the concept of a birthday, but there was a lot of joy on his face when he opened his presents, saw his cousins at his party and trying to grab for his cake.

This morning he crawled into bed with me and snuggled while I was nursing Sam. Being a toddler, he didn't stay there for long. He's not going to stay anywhere for long- babyhood, toddlerhood, teenager. It's all going by so fast and it is so bittersweet.

My big boy!
Once he opened this present he didn't want to open any others!
He was going after the cake!

Finally I just gave in...
Pure talent!
We shouldn't have waited so long to take a family picture!

Pretty much sums up our life right now!


Caitlin said...

Happy birthday to Joe! :)

Catholic Mutt said...

He is getting so big! Happy birthday, Joe!


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