Monday, November 22, 2010

Prayers, please!

I'm asking for some prayers for my mother. Tomorrow morning she is going in to have a heart catheterization. A couple weeks ago she had a stress test done and an abnormality was found. They are doing a catheterization to see what the abnormality is. If there is any blockage they will put in a stent.

This is an in-and-out procedure and is fairly routine. Mom's doctor assured her that one of the best doctors in the facility will be performing the catheterization.

Please, if you have a moment or two, offer up a prayer. Many thanks!


Jackie Parkes MJ said...

Certainly will you mind adding my blog to your links?

Jenny said...

I will pray for your mom!

Joy said...


Patty said...

We will add her to our list. Mom had this done a couple of times and came out perfectly.

If you would not mind, please keep my niece Molly in your prayers. She is in the hospital with a very serious bacterial infection.

Rae said...

I said a prayer. I hope that everything is going/went well! Do let us know.

Sarah said...

Will do! I hope that everything will be fine and you will have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. :)

Anonymous said...

said a prayer too.

also, just wanted to let you know that you're advertising for scientology on your blog now. didn't know if you knew.

Katie said...

Of course! Prayers for your mother and for you as well!

matthew archbold said...

I came here, said a few prayers but then I realized that this post was from a few days ago. I hope all went well.

Colleen said...

Three Hail Mary's said :) I know it's late, but God doesn't exist in time!


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